Every great copywriter will tell you that when it comes to understanding your product, a features list is the most useful asset you have.
They’ll tell you to look at your product, feel the texture, listen to the sound it makes, smell the aroma (if there’s any) and taste it.
You should experience what your product does first-hand. Only then can you write a compelling story about it.
What Happens When Your Product Is A Book?
Or a bookbook as Ikea puts it.
I mean a book is just lots of pages right?
And don’t people prefer to read online in this digital age?
Well Ikea didn’t think so.
Watch this video and see how they not only made a parody of Apple’s videos, but were able to break down a seemingly simple product into an entire array of features you want.
HD images pre-uploaded. No lag. Download from your mailbox.Brilliant isn’t it?
What do you think? Let me know below.
KahSoon says
Cool video. I will tweet it.