It has taken me some time to write this post…
Partly because I’ve been a little busy running a couple of projects but also because for the month of February… my 3rd month on this Forex platform… the results were a little less than spectacular.
To be fair, it’s because I had gotten my hopes up that every month I would be expecting a nice steady 10+% ROI, so when the month-end results were only 5.99% …
It felt like the month’s result wasn’t good.
Add in the fact that there had been the crazy GME “once-in-a-decade” stock phenomenon taking the world by storm… sprouting out millionaires around the world…
Such results felt sub-par because while the returns are generally consistent, I know it will still take time for this capital to grow into a sizable amount.
But when you consider that this was a one-month result and that investment is a marathon and not a race…
Then a 5.99% ROI is a rather amazing result.
After all, most investment plans aim to achieve a 5% ROI year-on-year, here we’re talking about a one-month result.
Naturally, there are risks involved here as well to justify the higher ROI but by following the 101 of trading and investing – only invest money you can afford to lose…
I think I can still consider this a rather good win.
This goes back to the promise I made myself when I first started back in the middle of Dec 2020, to always follow the rules I had laid down strictly.
I personally know enough people who had been burnt through investing, trading, and even entrepreneurship, because they didn’t have a rule or system in place… after a while, emotions and greed set in and it always doesn’t end well.
So, while February wasn’t as spectacular as other months… it was still a good trading month overall.
And since I’m in for the long haul, I will stop comparing with other platforms and take all the wins I’ve gotten plus more to come.
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