
Calling all investing or trading newbies who would still like to make consistent returns from the markets…

Discover A Little-Known Investment Asset That Is Raking In A 14.53% Average ROI Month After Month

This is probably the most consistent fund I’ve found that is delivering regular profits for myself and a few other investors. Here’s your chance to be a part of this platform and start earning a passive stream of income starting next month.

First, Let's Start with the Single Biggest Problem with Most Investment Assets

When it comes to investment of any kind, there’s really only two ways to go about it…

One, you learn how to do it yourself…

But that means years of trial and error, investing with your hard-earned money and testing your formulas until you find a winning strategy. On average, it takes about 5 years for a beginner to breakeven in their trades and 10 years to actually become a decent trader. (i.e. someone who starts making profits)

Now, there’s nothing wrong with that approach, but it’s definitely going to take a while.

The second option is to rely on a professional.

Most of us are already using this approach. I’ve personally been investing in Unit Trusts (a.k.a mutual funds) through my financial advisor representative (FAR) for almost 10 years now.

And the goal of unit trust investment is to save up a tidy sum for retirement. It mostly relies on the power of compounding, year after year, to build up a decent sum.

On average, under the careful management of my FAR’s team, it has been grossing about 5% each year. Not too bad for unit trust investment…

In return, I pay them a portfolio management fee of about 1.5% every year for the performance.

Given either of these choices, when it comes to investing or trading of any kind… the issue is that it takes time to build up a sizeable portfolio…

And that means the average “untrained” investor cannot depend on either of these two choices to build a passive stream of income.

Don’t get me wrong… 

Relying on unit trust is good as a long term savings instrument, and learning to trade or invest will always be a useful skill…

But sometimes, as someone who has been in the entrepreneurial and business-building scene…

I’m looking for opportunities that are a little quicker if you get what I mean…

How Would You Feel Making 2.53% ROI in the First Month?

If you’ve read my blog post about my first-month experience investing in a forex platform… then you would know I made a 2.53% ROI in one of my accounts.

This is a forex investing platform that relies on professional traders who manage the account for investors.

Basically, unlike copy trading where you’re responsible for entering and exiting your own trades, here the trader handles everything for you. In a way, it is similar to how my FAR manages my account for me…

The difference is… here it happens on a day-to-day basis, so long as the forex markets are open.

And at the end of the month, the profit is credited back to my account after deducting for the management fee.

Now, there is definitely a risk when it comes to letting a stranger (the trader) manage your money for you…

You won’t be in charge of the strategy, and while you can withdraw the money any time you want…

Any profit or loss is in the hands of the trader.

It is definitely scary… at least in the first month…

But when you start to think about it… with the unit trust, there are risks as well… plus, I don’t have any idea about the investing strategy either…

So, at the end of the day… it all boils down to the trader’s monthly performance… the challenge, however… is finding a trader with a good track record

Because of this, for a long time, I had avoided the forex market and even swore not to ever invest in it… I felt that it is too risky an investment asset to ever dabble in…

But thanks to a message by my friend Gary, I decided to give it a try… largely because I saw his profits over the previous months…

And that led to my 2.53% profit in one of my account for the first month. (The other had closer to 5% while Gary had about 8% for the same month. I had a “poorer” performance because I entered the platform one week late and that made quite a difference which I’ll emphasize more later)

Before I dive into that, it’s good for you to understand how the numbers on this platform add up

High-Risk, High-Rewards - But What If We Could Control the Risk?

Every month, a trader manages your capital and actively invests in the forex market. While some months they make a larger ROI and some months a smaller amount… historically, the average monthly returns to date are about 14.53%.

Using the capital, they engage in day trading with a few rules to minimise potential losses.

One of which is that they have a 2% stop-loss for every trade… this means at any point that they’re in open trade, your investment won’t lose more than 2%…

On top of this, they have another rule in place where there’s a monthly stop-loss of 30%… so in any one given month, the maximum loss is 30% of the capital invested…

In order to hit this, the trader has to make 15 negative trades… there are a few other rules in place but this is the most important when it comes to understanding the maximum risk entering this platform…

That said, the most important thing we need to know as investors are…

What’s the trader’s performance like?

Because we can have all the rules in place… but if the traders can’t make positive returns then it would just mean losing 30% of the capital…

To answer this, I’ve included 2 charts below that shows the overall performance from Jun 2019 to Jan 2021, as well as the monthly results for 2020.

What truly gave me the confidence was that every month saw a positive return. So, while historical data is never a guarantee of future performance, the result to date is promising. That said, it’s important to remember that any investment does carry risk, and if you’re ever in doubt, do speak with a financial professional.

The Overall Performance from Jun 2019 to Jan 2021

Forex Trading Experience - Best Trader Overall Performance from Jun 19 to Jan 21

Monthly Returns for 2020

My Recommendation Based on My Personal Experience

Naturally, the historical performance is nothing short of amazing. And the fact is, both Gary and I have made positive returns investing in this platform and are now advocates of their performance.

However, ultimately, any form of investing still carries a certain degree of risk. There’s no guarantee that they will always continue to perform.

That’s why after much discussion, we recommend that at the start, you should only invest $1,000 USD for the first month. It’s a decent amount that can leverage on the month-on-month compounding effect… and at the same time… for most people, $1,000 USD isn’t a huge investment amount.

Because if someone is financially strapped and can’t even invest $1,000 USD, then in all seriousness, the first thing to do is develop proper saving habits. If you find yourself unable to comfortably set aside this amount, then please DON’T invest in this platform or any other financial instrument.

And even if you think $1,000 USD is too little an amount… we still strongly recommend that you only start with $1K…

Here’s why…

Firstly, that is a good amount to measure your results after a month…

While investing more can definitely bring a higher monthly return… the first month is critical to get comfortable with the platform.

Secondly, it’s for you to build confidence in the platform and see the results for yourself… after all, I can tell you how great my results are… but the important thing is for you to experience it for yourself and not just take my word for it…

One thing to take note of and this is important…

While the traders are bringing in a positive return every month… on a day to day basis, there will be days with negative trades. Sometimes a month may start with a couple of negative trades before the positive trades start to come in.

That’s why a critical part of this platform is to go in month-to-month to maximise the returns. In other words… enter the platform for the entire month as the returns are based on an average of the monthly performance.

For example, I first started in the second week of December 2020. And as the first week was the best performing week, my overall ROI (both accounts) for that month was about 5.23%. Gary, however, had about 8.05% ROI as he invested for the entire month.

That big difference was the result of one week…

For your reference, I’ve included his December’s results below.

Forex Trading Experience - Gary's Result - Dec 2020
Gary's December 2020 results

Join the Wait List

While it is tempting to enrol immediately and see your investment increase every month… there are certain things to prepare and take note of.

That’s why Gary has helped to prepare a checklist and step-by-step instructions for those who would like to get started. But at the same time, to ensure that anyone who joins enters at the right time and is properly briefed…

We’ve decided to create a waitlist for a specific purpose…

Inside this waitlist, we will explain further how the platform works, how to use this platform to achieve your financial goals, as well as to list down the various risks involved so you know what you’re investing in.

Sure, we could just send a link and tell people to start investing, but from our own experience, the first month is most critical.

You see…

One of the best parts of this platform is that you can draw your money out at any time, unlike a structured deposit or savings plan where there are penalties for doing so.

But at the same time, this can be a double-edged sword

In his second month, Gary switched traders which resulted in his overall investment receiving a smaller ROI. At that time, he didn’t know what to expect and there was no one for him to turn to for guidance…

Hence, we decided to form a special group of like-minded individuals for those on the waitlist. Rather than let anyone join the platform haphazardly… we wanted to make sure people in this waitlist join only before the start of the month…

This way, you can ask any question you have before starting… and once you’re in… review or discuss your results and work towards your financial goals with a group of similar people together.

So, if this platform and our results are something you would like to explore, then do fill in your details in the form below…

And we will talk to you soon…

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FYI, this waitlist is still a relatively new idea for us so it may take us some time to get back to you… but our goal is to ensure that anyone on this list is ready to register before the next month… while everything is done online, there are a number of things to prepare…

That said, for those who can’t wait and want to get started immediately, we would also prefer to make sure you understand the potential risk of not having an entire month… similar to my first month on the platform…

Also, if you have any questions, do hit reply to the welcome email and let us know.

Why Join The Wait List?

The waitlist is just an indication that you’re interested to learn more about this investment platform.

By joining, we will put you in a special email list where we will explain more about company, the traders, the strategy they deploy to safeguard our investments, and answer any questions you may have.

We will also share with you the registration process as well as the types of documentation to prepare. Registering does take a few days as there are legal documents involved. 

Most importantly, for those who would like to join a group of like-minded investors… this waitlist will be a powerful network and support group.

Who Is This Platform For?

Having seen the results I’ve gotten firsthand, I dare say that this platform will benefit…

Who This Platform Is NOT For?

At the same time, this platform might not be suitable for the following groups of people…