I’ve never liked the words Forex Trading.
My first encounter with this term was from my polytechnic days…
Where a lifetime ago, I was burying my face in finance books striving to earn a diploma in Banking and Financial Services…
Exposing me to the world of financial instruments and their many different assets.
Some of which interest me. Others I’ve forgotten about. And a handful I still don’t understand to this day.
But out of the many financial tools and their markets, the one thing I was dead certain of is…
Forex trading is dangerous!
It is highly speculative and extremely volatile.
Sure, some traders have made their millions trading in this high-risk market…
But I’m guessing many more burnt their fingers (and possibly their bank accounts) underestimating this voracious beast.
So much so, by the time I had graduated, I made a promise to never dabble in this speculative market… because the only way people made money here is by going full time and that still wasn’t a guarantee.
Well, that promise was almost 10 years ago now.
And boy, have I been proven wrong!
Over the years, I’ve invested in a couple of financial instruments… mostly safe instruments like unit trusts or mutual funds and fixed deposits.
I’ve attended workshops and courses on stock analysis, value investing, and options trading. (I even wasted $6,000 on an investment course which I’m 98% sure is a scam.)
Then, there is also the whole Nanning investment scammy debacle which I covered in 2019.
But not once did I ever join or even considered Forex trading.
However, in the week of 07-11 Dec 2020, my first week and first time threading water in this market…
I made a positive gain of $40 USD.
Or about a 2% returns on investment (ROI).
Just to give you some perspective about 2%…
If you invest in an insurance endowment or savings plan, that’s the guaranteed amount you should receive after one year. And in most cases, you have to set aside 20 years of regular premium payments to receive this amount.
Or, if you take a loan from your credit card, 2% is the amount of interest you’re expected to pay every month. (Note, interest payment not principle payment that means the loan amount doesn’t decrease)
Most savings account with any local bank gives you at best 0.2% annual interest.
So, in my opinion, a 2% ROI in the first week wasn’t too shabby and from what I understand, these results aren’t atypical…
Many others have gotten similar or better results than mine.
Here’s the story of why I finally relented and entered this market…
And most importantly… how you can leverage on this same opportunity if you’re interested.
But first, a word of caution, all kinds of investment carries a certain level of risk.
All I’m doing on my blog is sharing my experience and what to expect if you ever decide to enter this market yourself.
Naturally, you should consult your preferred financial consultant or expert before making any kind of investment if you’re unsure.
With that said…
My Forex story began with a simple Whatsapp message from a former army friend…
A Life-Changing Whatsapp Message
In truth, it was as simple a message as any could be.
My friend had asked…
Interested in forex trading?
I was quick to brush him off. I even told him almost immediately that I’m not a fan of Forex.
But one thing I’ve learnt over the years speaking and learning from others, including a multi-millionaire, is to always give others the benefit of the doubt.
Especially in areas, I’m not familiar with.
So, as he continued to explain to me how this unique platform works, I was sceptical, but I agreed to listen.
He shared with me how he had been receiving about 8-10% monthly returns for the last 3 months and included an attachment that showed their past performance.
Before the night was through, I was definitely curious though my past experience had left me a little weary.
But he mentioned a point that made sense to me… the minimum capital outlay to start is only 1K USD.
After all, any investment will always require cash upfront…
It’s how you use money to make money… and that’s how the rich get richer…
And 1 grand was a reasonable amount to test a platform… I mean I invested 6 grand before on a workshop that turned out to be a complete dud for crying out loud.
At the same time, anyone who doesn’t have a thousand dollars to spare, really shouldn’t be considering an investment of any sort…
Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I decided to test it out for myself and… win or lose… blog about my results here…
Our conversation took place on the 30th of November 2020.
Now, usually for any form of investment, the earlier you start the better… mostly because of the time value of money.
However, I’m not exactly the best person when it comes to technology, so I decided to meet up with him so he could walk through with me the exact steps to get my account going. (Likewise, if you’re not tech-savvy, we’ve prepared a special group to help you with the set up if you decide to join)
My account was finally created on the 4th of December but as you would have guessed…
The Forex Market Doesn’t Trade on Weekends
Add in the fact that the active period for trading follows the US timezone… I had to wait quite a bit before my first trade finally went live.
To be frank…
I wasn’t expecting much… I had gone in with the mindset that I would probably lose the entire investment amount. (On top of that, I had actually invested 2K USD which I’ll explain why another time)
But after the first day, I was pleasantly surprised to see a $14 profit in my account. That’s a 0.7% gain, not too bad for a first time.
My money-making sensors were almost in overdrive now, yet at the same time, after the first week, I learnt another valuable lesson…
When you’re relying on a fund manager to trade, don’t keep monitoring your account every day.
You see…
There are certain rules they use to determine when to enter or exit the market.
Their goal isn’t to win every trade but to make sure that the overall wins are higher than the overall loses.
That’s why terms like “take profit” and “stop-loss” comes into the picture.
And since I don’t know the rules they’re using, monitoring the numbers and watching it go up and down can get downright nerve-wracking.
And that’s coming from someone with some level of experience.
A complete beginner would probably be tempted to close the account the instance the account goes into negative, even for a short period of time.
An Online Community to Grow Together
Given my personal experience, I thought it would be amazing if there were a community of like-minded individuals where you can ask questions and get the support you need.
Especially, in the early stages like setting up the account and getting the necessary documents together.
In my opinion, the user interface needs a major overhaul but our end goal is the results…
They’re financial traders and not system developers… so I guess that part is forgivable.
But that doesn’t mean we can’t take this matter into our own hands and form our own group.
That’s why I’ve discussed with my friend Gary to put together a simple telegram group and possibly a Facebook group where we will do the following:
- Provide support in setting up your account
- Include regular reminders to withdraw or deposit funds depending on your end goal for this system
- Share with you our “Compounding Maximiser” strategy rapidly grow your funds in a safe manner using this system
Plus, other tips and strategies we come across on our journey. Most importantly, we want to form an online community of people that wants to grow together and naturally, make money together.
If you would like to be a part of this system or want to learn more about it, I’m in the midst of putting together a short presentation page where I will dive deeper into the system, what to expect, and the monetisation system they have in place.
All you have to do is register on my Forex Platform registration page.
But once again, just a reminder that any investment does have risk involved… and while the traders have been consistent for the past year and more… no one will ever or can ever guarantee results.
That’s why if you’re on board, I strongly suggest starting out with a comfortable capital amount… at least for the first month…
But more on this when you’ve registered.
Talk to you soon.
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