“It was the most beautiful garden she had ever seen.
The smell of freshly cut grass lingered in the air as she walked barefoot. Feeling the soft greenery under her feet with the slightest hint of morning dew left over from the night before.
What made this discovery that much sweeter was the years she had invested searching for it. The sacrifices she had given up. The people around her. Those she had forever lost contact with, and those she had strengthen.
But despite all the trials and tribulations she had to endured, the years of hardship…
Finally, she is where she was always meant to be.
She was home.”
Everyone of us wants to be happy.
And this desire for happiness becomes the building block for our goals and ambitions. Both long-term and short-term.
Some of us wish to strike a successful career, making a name for ourselves, building an empire, leaving behind a legacy for people to admire.
Some of us wish for something simpler. To find a special someone in our lives, a soul mate perhaps, a person we can find joy returning home to after a gruelling day in the office.
Some wish for endless wealth.
Some wish for endless love.
But all of us, wish for happiness!
Yet, it seems to constantly escape our grasp. Always a step ahead of us. Disappearing just as our hands are about to meet.
And it happens to even the best of us.There’s no escape.
Rich or Poor.
Young or Old.
Famous or Unknown.
To the point… you can’t help wondering if this journey for happiness, is perhaps cursed to inflict suffering on its adventurers?
Its Devastatingly Fatal Grip on an Internationally Famous Comedian
For years, he went around performing on-stage, bringing joy and laughter to those who attended.
They loved him for the jokes he shared. And his journey took him even further, landing a role on a hit TV series which catapulted his success.
Soon, he was seen guest appearing everywhere. From talk shows to dramas, and even hitting the big screen. Landing his first major break as a star, and winning a nomination for Academy Award for Best Actor.
People all around him were impressed with what he had achieved. They loved his work. He was the inspiration and influence for many young actors after him.
But nobody knew the cruel truth behind the smiles. They could never have guessed it.
At the age of 63, on 11 August 2014, he finally succumbed to his depression and hanged himself.
That man (as you may have already guessed) was the late Robin Williams.
(You can read his life story on wikipedia here.)
It shocked most of the world to learn of his passing.
Sure, he had shared many times before about his struggle with alcohol, drugs, and depression in earlier interviews. But the news was still shocking all the same.
For if a man, who bridged the gap of this journey for happiness for so many people could fall victim to its curse…
What makes the rest of us?
Unfortunately for him, he was suffering from a terrible case of paranoia on top of his depression. And the increasing pressure built up over the years did finally take its toll on him.
But instead of focusing on the sad aspects of his life, there are many positive lessons we can learn from his life as well.
Learning to Embrace the Positives
Right from his early days, the stress from his job pushed him to the limits.
In a career where people feared losing their creativity or running out of materials to use, he was positive he could conquer the challenges in front of him.
In front of critics who accused him of stealing their jokes, he stood his ground and his conscience denying their accusations and stopped going to other comedians’ performances.
He remained true to himself and focused on what he did best.
For despite the insurmountable pressure on him, the self-doubts he had to battle, he must have understood deep down what it meant to really love yourself.
To trust and rely on the skills you’ve picked up and developed over the years, honing your craft, becoming good at what you do.
And though his sickness robbed him of a huge number of years of his life…
He has had many more as a beacon of light for not just those around him, but those who had the opportunity to watch his performances, and those who had the privilege to meet him in person.
So, while the journey of our pursuit for happiness may seem to be cursed on the onset…
Remember to also take a second and reflect on the impact of that journey.
And as you’re reflecting on it, let this quote inspire your life as well…
Because it is in the journey that we find joy and happiness. Not always for ourselves, but sometimes for the people who matters most to us. And the people around them.
It is for this reason, I encourage you to see the deeper meaning behind the events in your life.
And realise for yourself, the purpose behind each event, and how it is bringing you another step closer to true happiness.
The journey is only “cursed” if we allow it.
Image via Unsplash by Tim Wright
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